What I found interesting is that there are 24,711 JWs that have signed and are still keeping their vow of obedience and poverty. As they get older and the WT has no more use for them they are thrown to the curb with nothing. As the WT is a business and has no real love or care for those they have coerced in to signing this dreadfully self serving vow of uncomplaining obedience and poverty. Hey fulltime servants of the WT corporation wake up and smell the coffee while there is still time to put away a little something for retirement as the WT can not be trusted to take care of you in your old age as sign of appreciation for all your hard work selling their bullshit delusions to ensnare the naive into servitude.
VOW OF OBEDIENCE AND POVERTY to the Order of special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses
As an ordained minister, wholly dedicated to Jehovah God, I hereby express my solemn desire to be recognized as a member of the worldwide Order of special Full-Time servants of Jehovah's Witnesses ("the Order") I Vow as follows:
1. While a member of the Order, to live the simple, non materialistic life-style that has traditionally existed for members of the Order.
2. In the spirit of the inspired words of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8) and the prophetic expression of the Psalmist (Psalm Palms Calms 110:3) to volunteer my services to do whatever is assigned to me in the advancement of Kingdom interests wherever I am assigned by the Order.
3. To be submissive to the theocratic arrangement for members of the Order (Hebrews Whatever 10: 9-11);
4. To devote my best full-time efforts to my assignment;
5. To abstain from secular employment without permission from the Order;
6. To turn over to the local organization of the Order all income received from any work or personal efforts in excess of my necessary living expenses, unless released from this vow by the Order;
7. To accept such provisions for members of the Order (be they meals, lodging, expense reimbursements, or others) as are made in the country where I serve, regardless of the level of my responsibility or value of my services;
8. To be content and satisfied with the modest support that I receive from the Order as long as I am privileged to serve in the Order and not to expect any further remuneration should I choose to leave the Order or should the Order determine that I no longer qualify to serve in the Order ( Matthew let me stick it to ya 6;30-33; 1 Timothy Long Legs 6:6-8; The Three Hebrew Stooges 13:5);
9. To abide by the principles set out in God's inspired Word, the bible, in publications of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and in policies dispensed by the Order, and to follow the directions of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses; and
10. To accept readily any decision made by the Order regarding my membership status.